Hi all, excited to share this before the year comes to a close. Flocking 23 is a collection of recordings assembled from live sampler performances from the shows I played in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Madison in the fall of 2023. No step sequencing. No ‘pressing play’. Just me and a sampler. I asked my friend Josh Mason if he wanted to take a stab at some art and I’m happy it’s all come together.
As normal, you can download this in MP3 and WAV format if you go to my releases page. Feel free to send some money my way if that’s important, it’s certainly appreciated, but don’t feel it’s necessary. Otherwise, if you want to sample or purchase through Bandcamp, it’s available there too. Info and words from Josh below his art.

- fifteen
- optical_flow
- lodest
- lodest_tape
- sz_fa
- sz_fa_tape
- 23_sampleref
23.09 develop
23.10 record
23.11 breathe
23.12 edit
24.01 sweeten
24.02 breathe
24.03 re-sweeten
24.12 art
Assembled from live sampler performances from the following shows:
23.10.19 @ tritriangle, chicago, il, usa
23.10.20 @ the jazz gallery, milwaukee, wi usa
23.10.21 @ communication, madison, wi usa
Sound by Connor Bell
Sweetening by Greg Davis
Art by Josh Mason
Words from Josh:
i was thinking about when connor had asked me to make some digital flyers for a run of shows he was playing in the midwest (which ended up being the source material for this release) and it reminded me of all the hours i spent in kinkos as a younger person over the years making flyers for shows, and given that i wanted to do something with my hands for this (and eschew the speed of digital construction almost entirely, which he graciously tolerated over too long a time period) i decided to still work with “photocopiers” by employing toner transfers with solvents in order to create an assemblage of what felt like handbills (and was loosely, or subconsciously influenced, by constructivist works) and took it a step further by drawing parallels to the angularity of the flocking material…hard cuts, waveform discontinuities, etc.