I’ve decided to offer an infrequent email update with a mailing list. If anyone is interested, just let me know your email by filling out the form here. If you ever want to be removed, just email me at sheddingDOTsoundsATgmailDOTcom.
Shedding has been my musical guise for nearly twenty years now, operating out of Louisville, Kentucky. Other than a handful of years exploring a more traditional pop format in a band with drums and bass accompanying, it was always intended to be an outlet for the limitless exploration of sound in solitude. As a result, change is constant and, outside of my current work with hardware synthesis, I’ve also used computer, harmonium, acoustic guitar, voice, field recordings, and sample collage to compose. In the time I’ve been sharing my music publicly, I’m thankful to have had the support to release quite a bit of music, perform in a lot of interesting spaces across the US and Europe, and to meet so many wonderful people.
I’ve recently been interested in building layers of intentional chaos and exploring perceptions of order and the natural human tendency to seek and find patterns within that sound. There is a deliberate contrast between the controlled chaos simulating the natural world and the synthetic sounds I’m working with. (Jan 2020)
I’ve performed in bands like:
- Parlour (see also: Crain, M, For Carnation, Shipping News, The Loved, The Web, and many more)
- Wolverine Brass (see also: Four Fifty Six, Elliott, National Acrobat, Irina, and many more)
- mAAs (duo with Brother Barnes, aka Tim Barnes – who has been in too many bands to list)
- The Free Electronic Association of Louisville (see also: Hairbrushing, Connor Waldman, Flanger Magazine, Caboladies, Cirrus Wav)
email me here: sheddingDOTsoundsATgmailDOTcom
press, reviews, blurbs, blahs here.
here are some random ‘promo’ pics from over the years (photos 1, 3, 6, and 7 by Tim Furnish, pic 2 by Carrie Neumayer, pic 4 by Katharine Korchnak, and pic 5 by Tim Barnes):

here are some live pics from the past couple years (pic 1 by Mark Guidry, i think!, pic 2 by Tim Furnish, i think!, pics 3, 4, and 5 by Tim Furnish, pic 6 by Tim Barnes, pic 7 by Nick Sturtzel)