
15.04.18 w/ vaderbomb, buck gooter, joan shelley, hurricanes of love, prmtv str, sketching, and insect policy @ astro black/kaiju

i’m excited to be playing a sweet record store day party for my pal jim’s shop astro black. it’s a daytime hangout.  i’ll be either playing in astro black/fat rabbit or next door at kaiju.  while record store day has been a bummer for independent labels, the spirit of celebrating a record store is still something i can appreciate.  further, i’m optimistic that the city state tapes ‘plod & play, vol. 1’ release will be in hand for the show too.

the facebook page for the event is here.  kin ship goods made the sweet flier below too.
i’ll also be opening for sam prekop on his tour stop in louisville in mid-may.  more details for that and maybe other releases soon.  beep!


15.02.21 w/ introvert, connor waldman, s. soltau, and cpr @ dreamland + city state tape release

i’m playing a show on saturday the 21st of february at dreamland here in louisville to celebrate the release of city state tapes vol. 1.  this is a batch of cassettes that all 5 of us will hopefully have out in time for the show.  the facebook event can be found here.  i put up a tune from the cassette that you can listen to below.


here are links for more info on city state tapes:



15.01.27 live sounds

i have a show coming up in a few weeks but i don’t know many details right now.  until i know more, here’s my set from last week if you’re curious where my head can go sometimes.  this show was with cher von at haymarket whiskey bar for the kickoff party of do502’s free week.