
fall excursion (23.10.19-23.10.22) + GERUNDS show (23.11.12)

hi all, life is starting to get back to normal after a weird few years of personal and global drama. i haven’t played a shedding show in many years. no one in louisville really asks anymore and frankly i’m not that motivated to play to the same friends so much anyway. so between that and the tumult, my first shows in over four years are coming up in october. three of these shows i’m excited to be doing with my buddy andrew fitzpatrick. it’ll be great to discuss the finer points of big black ‘songs about fucking’ or helmet ‘betty’ in the car like we did so many years ago when i toured with his old band all tiny creatures. there’ll be some old friends and venues and some new friends and new venues. all the info on shedding shows is below. i’ll be sharing some new flock studies i’ve been working on.

finally, my friend dustin (aka hairbrushing and fellow founding member of the free electronic association of louisville) and i will be doing our mutant techno duo GERUNDS in november. might as well share that here too. we don’t do that so often either, so i’m excited.

sunday, 23.11.12 GERUNDS with jon mueller and a jon mueller / tim barnes performance at camp social club in louisville, ky


all ‘press’ here

hi, i guess at some point i made pages for the press on a couple releases, but that seems sort of tedious. so i’m just sharing a google drive folder with any and all press that i’ve managed to accumulate – that i know of – from the last 20 odd years. view the drive folder here.

more news soon on hopefully a new release and a few shows in the midwest this fall.


flocking 19 review from underhill lounge

grateful anytime someone listens, let alone shares their thoughts. but apparently this review surfaced yesterday. thanks to underhill lounge for the thoughts. i suppose i need to dig into some steve lacy now. review below:

I’ve recently been interested in building layers of intentional chaos and exploring perceptions of order and the natural human tendency to seek and find patterns within that sound.  There is a deliberate contrast between the controlled chaos simulating the natural world and the synthetic sounds I’m working with.

Two longer pieces and 4 shorter pieces.

Names of the pieces use words in combination with three primary words, Flock, Flap, and Chirp.

Sounds seem primarily programmatically generated or manipulated. While it says below that these were recorded during a “sampler performance”, the sounds themselves seldom sound as if they were drawn from the natural world, except in the most abstract sense.

With the quote from their website which opens this writeup, it is hard to know how many of the event streams are simply set in motion and how many of them might be manipulated during their progress.

In general, what order which is expressed in the pieces is more like the order of nature sounds than the order of music. I.e., in general, there is no apparent tempo in most pieces relating the divergent sounds to the other sounds. When tempo does develop in events, as in track 4, “FLOCK1_MILCHI”, the tempos of the different event streams converge, but don’t affect the tempo of other event streams.

As if, in an algorithmic forest, we are listening to the sounds of algorithmic wind ticking through algorithmic branches as algorithmic creatures frolicking in that artificial world, all to the tempo or progress along the events of their algorithmic day.

On the other hand, while synthetic, it is not particularly harsh or dissonant, and somehow a pleasant feeling of lightness or almost whimsy is present in most pieces.

As an exercise, I recommend you listen to “Chirps” by Steve Lacy and Evan Parker, before, during, or after listening to Flocking 19 by Shedding.

“Assembled from July 2019 sampler performances in Milwaukee (Jazz Gallery) and Chicago (Elastic Arts)”


email list

hi everyone, i’ve created an email list signup in the info page. here is a link if you want to sign up directly from this post though. cheers!